Is the Prompt Engineer the New ‘Sexiest Job of the 21st Century’?

More than a decade back, Thomas Davenport proclaimed data scientist to be the “sexiest job of the 21st century” in a Harvard Business Review article. In an epoch of generative artificial intelligence (AI), is “prompt engineer” set to pick up that title? “It’s the most sizzling job,” states a report.A professional AI prompt-engineering job pays $175,000 to $300,000 per annum, and “requires more than being able to ask leading questions”, notes David Gerwitz. As the world becomes enthralled with generative AI, the challenge is finding prompt-engineering skills. “I think that most people that are recruiting are stealing,” remarks Greg Beltzerm”When headhunting for prompt-engineers, it is simply not straightforward,” says Beltzer. A set of tools could simplify training AI models with prompts conducted in a systematic manner. Even so, until these robust and useful tools are developed, prompt engineering will continue to be a challenge. Additionally, Beltzer states that the skillset goes beyond technical acumen.Beltzer observes that it doesn’t make sense to train another adjacent professional to adopt prompt-engineering skills, “A lot of it needs to be business contextual.” As RBC shifts towards adopting cloud-based capabilities and services like Salesforce, Beltzer states: “We’ve transitioned to the cloud. Which for financial services is crazy — the industry average was one release a year.”Although AI may help developers with 80% of their tasks, the remaining 20% requires human involvement, Beltzer says: “I think AI is real. But I think we still have some work to do for the commercial viability in my industry.”AI capabilities are useful in assisting employees, “More and more people are using wealth management than ever before…” As an IT manager, Beltzer states: “Our challenge is to make systems more scalable and more efficient.”