Prepare for a Big Year in the Future of Work Getty Images2013 is going to fade as 2024 continues to transform enterprise roles. Pressures like hybrid-working strategies and sustainable operational practices will influence the future of work discussions for employers and employees. Decentralization and automation in 2024 continue to change roles. Remote work is on the rise. The world’s move toward decentralization and automation has made future of work a present reality. “Work is a thing you do, not a place you go,” says Ben Elms, chief revenue officer at internet connectivity specialist Expereo, to ZDNET in a one-on-one video chat. Hybrid must be managed in a post-COVID world. Employee engagement has dropped from 48% to 44% in the US, culture energy has fallen from 69% to 66%. Brodeur-Johnson suggests the business case for EX is strong, but employers struggle to listen to employees and make critical changes. Tech innovations should prioritize employees and meet their office challenges. COVID has changed the way people view their work. Engaged employees are essential for success. The future of work is not just about technology. Planning for the future of work is not simple. “The ability to plan for and manage multiple scenarios is a key capability that business leaders need in the new year,” says Sandeep Raithatha. Experts suggest that leaders need emotional intelligence and empathy to drive engagement and achieve their organization’s objectives. Frontline staff need to engage in fulfilling activities. The future of work is being shaped by a collection of complex factors that present significant challenges. A human-first approach to work could reduce stress, enhance focus, improve performance, and benefit mental health in the workplace.
Embracing Humanity in the Future of Work: Insights from Business Experts