Meta says its generative AI advertising tools cannot be used to power political campaigns anywhere globally, with access blocked for ads targeting specific services and issues. Meta’s Asia-Pacific vice president, Dan Neary, confirmed that its generative AI ads creation tools’ policy will apply globally. Several nations, including Indonesia, India, the US, Finland, Pakistan, and Taiwan, are expected to hold elections next year. Meta plans to add generative AI capabilities across all of its social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Threads. Its Ads Manager tool, which includes AI advertising tools, offers advertisers a suite of features to create and manage ads. This tool has been increasingly adopted by advertisers, with more than half using the company’s Advantage+ tools to optimize images and text in their ad creatives. Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, shared that the company’s ad tools have helped advertisers achieve a $10 billion run rate from Advantage+ shopping campaigns. Neary revealed that AI now powers 20% of content on Facebook and Instagram feeds, with this shift made more than a year ago. Additionally, data from a variety of sources, including publicly available information and Meta’s products and services, are used to train its generative AI tools. While public data such as shared Instagram and Facebook posts are used, private user data, including private messages and posts, are not included in the training process. Neary emphasized that Meta is addressing concerns about AI safety and personal data use and is collaborating with industry stakeholders to ensure responsible use of its technology.