Get Grammarly’s AI writing assistance on your iPhone: Here’s how!

Grammarly has launched a new AI-powered rewrite feature for mobile that enables users to tweak a message by highlighting it, selecting from one of the built-in prompts, and having Grammarly rewrite the text to match their needs. The available prompts include options such as “make it persuasive,” “rewrite for a general audience,” “paraphrase it,” and “sound fluent.” This new feature is designed to target the needs of business professionals who are working on the go and need additional writing assistance. It is already available on iOS, with plans to release it for Android in early 2024. In the meantime, Android users can experiment with Grammarly’s generative AI features on their desktops for free using various platform offerings such as Grammarly for Windows, Mac, Chrome, and Edge. This release reflects the demand for quality AI writing support on mobile devices, as more people are working remotely and are in need of tools that enable them to do quality work from anywhere.