The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra boasts top-tier features including a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, a 6.8-inch display, and storage options ranging from 256GB to 1TB. Its rear camera setup includes a 200MP main lens, a 12MP ultrawide lens, and two 10MP optical lenses, while the front camera is 12MP. The phone’s design features a glass finish that is less curvy than previous models, providing a practical and immersive user experience. Additionally, the S23 Ultra comes with an integrated S Pen stylus for note-taking, sketching, and remote camera controls. The device also includes subtle upgrades such as larger storage configurations and a more boxy form factor that makes it easier to hold and write on. While the S23 Ultra comes with a premium price tag starting at $1,199, it is considered to be the most uncompromising phone available and a top Android pick.
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